Thursday, October 27, 2016

Write a letter to Professor (Requested notes for missed lesson)

Dear Professor Jacqueline,

This is Olin from your Electrical Power Utilization Class. I'm sorry for missing Class Last Tuesday and Thursday, I had joined a tournament in oversea. I am hoping that you might be able to give me the notes and an extra lesson for the materials that I missed.

I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.

Electrical Power Utilization Class

Friday, October 21, 2016

Write an email to Professor (asking for opinions, undergraduate research opportunities)

Dear Professor Genatte,

I am a student study at Sunway college with a major in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. I am a junior will be graduating Next February. I have a 3.76 GPA and experience our college's special program in Electrical and Electronic Workshop.

I am planning to attend undergraduate school in Nottingham University, with a focus of Power Electronic Engineering. In one of my classes, "Power Electronic" which was taught by Professor Genatte, I had the chance to read your article "Great of Power Electronic". I really enjoyed it and it gave me plenty of ideas for my future research. I have been exploring undergraduate programs where I can work on this topic.

I hope you don't mind my getting in touch, but I'd like to inquire whether you are currently accepting graduate students. And if you are, if you'd like to talk to me a little bit further by email or on the phone or in person if I can arrange a campus visit, about my undergraduate school plans. I have explored your department's undergraduate school website in detail, and it seems like excellent fit for me because it emphasize more on power electronic fields and evolved rapidly with the advances of technology. But I still have a few specific questions about the course that I'd like to talk to you about.

I know you are very busy and I appreciate any time you can give me. Look forward to hearing from you. Thank you very much.

Olin Chloe

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Dear Readers

I've not updated my blog for ages
So, I'm gonna change my blog as a tool to motivate me 
I think this method can push me to learn english and it will be truly make sense.

Friday, January 1, 2016

O L I N 'S F I R S T B L O G P O S T

Hi I'm Olin, well I'm new here

Welcome to anyone who found their way in here and thanks for checking out my very first blog post in year 2016 !!

I've debated for some time on starting up a blog, I have no idea what took me for waiting so long.

Perhaps, the fear of people reading my personal thoughts and opinions, yet not liking them..or even me?  >_and the result I finally came to...I get to tick of the first thing in my to-do-list that still only exist in my head: Start a blog and finally writing shit down 囧

Honestly, I am a bit nervous, mixed with anxiousness.

As an inductory post I though,

I would like to explain what this blog is going to be about

Olin Lil's World is mostly a lifestyle diary looking at my daily life and probably it would involved all the great things that inspire me and feed my passion for the work that I do

 Also combined with my love for photography ╭( ・ㅂ・)و ̑̑

I'm a city girl born and raised in multi-cultural Malaysia. I love sports, travel, photography, snoopy, delicious food. I like to take a lot of pictures ,like, A H. L O T :P

The blog is extension of my personality. Follow me as I ramble on mostly about life, and the ups and downs that come and not quite having it all to figured out yet. Hope you enjoy ^-^

Feel free to comment below to correct the mistake I have made. x)